Beech Class, Week 2 (13.01.25)

Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 12:09pm

This week in Beech class we have had lots of fun in our maths lessons. It was Maths Through Stories Week at #teamcarrmill and the book we were focusing upon was 'How Many Jellybeans? We used our estimating to guess how many jellybeans were in the jar. We all had a really good guess and the person with the closest guess won the jar to take home!! 

Our winner was Olivia K! Well done!

In English lessons we continued to use the book The River to inpsire our recount that we wrote on Thursday.

Coach Olivia continued racquet skills in her PE lesson and the Star of the Day this week was Freddy! Well done!

We have continued with our Habitats topic in science exploring woodland and ocean habitats this week.

In computing lessons we have learnt about sharing only safe images in the online world and we watched 'Jessie and Friends' cartoon from the Think U Know website. We also developed our coding skills and used an application called Box Island which was lots of fun! 

Thank you to all those children who entered the maths competition to design a new front cover for a maths story book. There were some fabulous entries!

Our VIP for maths this week was awarded to Frankie for showing great enthusiasm in all maths lessons...well done!

A final big well done for our attendance in class last week. We were the class with the best attendance and we gained some Kid's Choice! Let's see if we can do that again next week.






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