At Carr Mill Primary School, we are confident in supporting children with additional needs and provide our staff with high quality information and training to support them with this.
- We aim to quickly identify pupils, who require additional support and provide targeted interventions to meet their needs.
- We ensure that parents are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning at regular points throughout the year.
- We are a fully inclusive school and work alongside the Local Authority, health professionals and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss your child further please do not hesitate to contact school:
Mrs Katie Alexander - Deputy Headteacher for Pastoral and Inclusion
Mrs Kate Barton - SENCo
Mrs Lauren Williams - Assistant SENCo and Speech and Language Specialist
You can find more information about SEND Provision in St Helens by accessing the SEND Local Offer:
The following documents will give you more information about how we support children with additional needs at Carr Mill: