Breakfast Bistro

Breakfast Bistro - from 8am daily

Come along to #teamcarrmill's famous Breakfast Bistro.....

Breakfast Bistro is a warm and welcoming start to your child’s day. We offer a wide variety of healthy food such as: low fat cereal options, fresh fruit, yogurt, and bagels - all served with a smile by our Year 5 & 6 Bistro Leaders.

Did you know that children who eat breakfast daily are proved to have greater concentration lessons? Breakfast Bistro allows you to wake up and feel ready for school. There's no last minute rush for the school bell, as you are already here!  

What do our children say?

'Breakfast Bistro is lots of fun, we play a game after we have finished our breakfast.' 

'I like Breakfast Bistro as I get to eat with my friend who is in a different class.' 

' I love being a Bistro Leader. I have learnt how to take breakfast orders and carry food without spilling!'

Age Range: Reception to Year 6

Booking a place: Please speak to the office or book via the School Money app a week in advance.  £2 per session for the first child, £1 per session for each additional sibling.

Member of Staff Responsible: Mrs Doyle

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Carr Mill Primary School

Kentmere Avenue,
Moss Bank, St Helens,
Merseyside, WA11 7PQ

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