Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Williams

Meet The Team.png 


Welcome to Sycamore Class

In our class we like to have fun whilst learning!  

We listen well to all adults and try our best in every lesson. 

We follow the school rules of be ready, show respect and be safe well. 


Important Days

What is a Note?

Reading records in school


PE days 

Wednesday & Friday

Homework handed in 



File:Logo of Twitter.svg - Wikimedia Commons


Check out what's going on in class by following Mrs Williams on twitter 

Username: MrsWilliamsCMP

Click here to take you to Mrs Williams's page



We're working really hard on our handwriting. 

Here is our login to use letterjoin at home:

Username carrmill_6

Password: letterjoin 


Book Bags and Reading

Please bring your book bags to school on a Wednesday with the book that you are reading. 

The children are 'free readers' and can choose a book from our class library or read something from home!

There are lots of oppertunities for independent reading throughout the week and time for sharing our favourite stories with each other. 

Reading diaries (which will now be a sheet) will be checked each Wednesday - please ensure you read at home at least 4 times per week. 



In year 3/4, children are expected to spend time on TTRockstars each week practicing their times tables. 

Certificates will be awarded each week on a Friday for the highest scores. 

Weekly spellings along with a suggested activity will be posted on Seesaw each Friday. This needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. 


Here are all of the topics coming up this year! 

Image preview

Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4): News items

Term dates 2025 2026, by Mrs Kennedy

EYFS Open Afternoon 2024, by Mrs Williams

Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4): Blog items

Sycamore- Spring 2- Week 2, by Mrs Williams

Sycamore - Spring 2 - Week 1, by Mrs Williams

Sycamore - Week 6, by Mrs Williams

Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4): Gallery items

Young Voices, by Miss Mackenzie

End of term fun!, by Mrs Williams

Christmas Sing, by Miss Mackenzie

Sycamore (Year 3 & Year 4): Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display



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Carr Mill Primary School

Kentmere Avenue,
Moss Bank, St Helens,
Merseyside, WA11 7PQ

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