Rowan (Year 5) 2024 - 2025
Miss Taylor
Welcome to Rowan Class!
The adults working in our class are Miss Taylor and Miss Kenyon.
Our P.E days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday so be sure to come to school in your P.E kit every Tuesday and Thursday!
Home Learning
Reading and Maths homework is set weekly each Friday and is expected to be handed in by the following Friday. We expect children to read at home at least four times a week and record this in their Reading Records and complete a game on TTRockstars. Or they can complete a Reading assignment on Century Tech and a Maths assignment on Century Tech. Please support us by encouraging your child complete any tasks given.
Please follow us on our class Twitter (X): MissTaylorCarrM
You will be able to see lots of information and pictures showing all of the amazing things we have been doing!
#teamcarrmill #strongertogether
Rowan (Year 5): News items
Term dates 2025 2026, by Mrs Kennedy
EYFS Open Afternoon 2024, by Mrs Williams
Rowan (Year 5): Blog items
Rowan Class - Week 2 SPRING 2, by Miss Taylor
Rowan - Week 1 SPRING 2, by Miss Taylor
Rowan - Final Spring 1 blog, by Miss Taylor