Birch (Year 1 & Year 2) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Wilson-Briars

Mrs Dixon


Welcome to Birch class! 

The adults who work in our class are:

Mrs Dixon (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) 

Mrs Wilson-Briars (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) 

Mrs Ejimofor (Learning Assistant) 


Book Bags 

Please bring your book bag to school each day. Reading books will be changed on a Friday. 

P.E days 

P.E days for Birch class in the SpringTerm 1 will be Thursday and Friday

Home Learning 

Homework will be sent out every Friday on Seesaw. Homework is due to be completed by the following Wednesday each week. 

Please read at least four times per week as a minimum and please sign the children's reading record each time you have read. 


These are some of the books that we will be reading in the Spring Term: 



Birch class is a Year 1 & Year 2 class. This is an example of our timetable: 

Generic Timetable.JPG


Please check our class blog for a weekly update!




Birch (Year 1 & Year 2): News items

Term dates 2025 2026, by Mrs Kennedy

EYFS Open Afternoon 2024, by Mrs Williams

Birch (Year 1 & Year 2): Blog items

Birch:, by Mrs Wilson-Briars

Birch- Spring 2: Week 1, by Mrs Wilson-Briars

Birch- Week 6: 14.2.25, by Mrs Wilson-Briars

Birch (Year 1 & Year 2): Gallery items

Christmas Sing, by Miss Mackenzie

Birch (Year 1 & Year 2): Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display



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Carr Mill Primary School

Kentmere Avenue,
Moss Bank, St Helens,
Merseyside, WA11 7PQ

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