Chestnut (Reception & Year 1) 2024 - 2025

Miss Sims

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Welcome to Chestnut ClassSchool Rules image.PNG


The adults who work in our class are Miss Sims and Miss Worsley.

Reading books are changed on a Friday.

P.E. day for Spring 2 is a Monday and Wednesday each week.


Please ensure that your child brings to school every day:

  • a coat/ suitable outdoor clothing for the weather
  • a water bottle
  • reading record and reading books.

Books we will be studying in the autumn term:

Colour Monster.jpgIncredible You.jpgOi Frog.jpgThree Billy Goats Gruff.jpgAaaarrgghh Spider.jpgTwist & Hop Minibeast Bop.jpgI am Rosa.jpgLittle Red(1).jpgBetty and the Yeti.jpgStick Man.jpgThere is an Elf in your book.jpgThe Little Reindeer.jpg

Books we will be studying in the Spring term:


3. Supertato.jpg5. The Odd Egg.jpgThe Tiger Who came to tea.jpgA river.jpg

Home Learning

Homework is set weekly each Friday on Seesaw and is expected to be handed in by the following Wednesday.  

We also expect children to read at home at least four times a week and record this in their Reading Records. Children who do not complete homework or reading are given time in school to complete this. Please support us by encouraging your child complete any tasks given. 

If you need have trouble accessing Seesaw or need replacement codes, please speak to Miss Sims who will be happy to help.

Lots of our class activities are shared on our Twitter feed and you can follow @MissSimsCM for frequent updates about what's happening in our class. 

#teamcarrmill #strongertogether

Chestnut (Reception & Year 1): News items

Term dates 2025 2026, by Mrs Kennedy

EYFS Open Afternoon 2024, by Mrs Williams

Chestnut (Reception & Year 1): Blog items

Chestnut Week 2, by Miss Sims

Chestnut Week 1, by Miss Sims

Chestnut Week 6, by Miss Sims

Chestnut (Reception & Year 1): Gallery items

Christmas Sing, by Miss Mackenzie

Chestnut (Reception & Year 1): Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display



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Carr Mill Primary School

Kentmere Avenue,
Moss Bank, St Helens,
Merseyside, WA11 7PQ

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