PE Days 2024 25

PE days Spring 2- Monday 24th Feb- Friday 4th April 25

  Here are the days in which each class has PE- some have been changed this half term so please make a note of the new days- reasons why the change has happened are at the side in red. 

Please ensure that on these days your child comes into school wearing the school PE kit: plain white T shirt/ Polo shirt; dark plain (black or navy) hooded jacket/ jumper and pants. Brands of any sort such as logos/ stripes/ ticks and words are not permitted on clothing. 


Oak Class- Mr Hunter- Monday and Friday

Chestnut Class- Miss Sims- Monday and Wednedsay (Changed due to sports coach no longer taking 2nd slot)

Beech Class- Miss Hampton- Tuesday and Thursday  

Birch Class- Mrs Dixon/ Mr Wright/ Mrs Wilson- Briars- Wednesday and Thursday (This is a change due to sports coach not taking Birch class)

Willow- Miss Farrall- Thursday and Friday 

Aspen- Miss Rodgers-  Thursday & Friday (Change due to Y4 no longer going swimming)

Sycamore- Mrs Williams- Wednesday & Friday 

Rowan- Miss Taylor- Tuesday and Thursday 

Maple Class- Miss MacKenzie- Tuesday and Thursday

Larch Class  Mr Pattinson- Tuesday 




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Kentmere Avenue,
Moss Bank, St Helens,
Merseyside, WA11 7PQ

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