Beech Class, Week 2, Spring 2
Date: 4th Mar 2025 @ 1:54pm
This week in Beech class began with Year 2 children visiting the library and Year 1 children having lots of fun making pancakes and other craft activities.
We have all continued to work hard in our lessons and we have started a new topic in history which is also linked to our learning in English - Castles! In history we will be focusing on the monarchs over time and the castles they lived in.
In maths we have continued our unit of work on fractions - finding a half and a quarter and equivalences. In English we have looked at how to use exclamation marks and spell suffixes correctly within a 'castles' focus.
In computing lessons we have looked at how to stay safe online when using websites (are they 'right' or 'wrong' to be on) and what to do if we don't feel ok when using the internet. The children thought of many ways to keep themselves safe and who their trusted adults are to tell if needed.
The 'In to Win' prize was enjoyed by the blue team on Tuesday where they had a pancake race and got to eat some too!
We also had a whole school party because of our wonderful attendance last week - we had so much fun with dancing and pass the parcel! Beech attendance was so good last week that we also gained some kid's choice to enjoy this week.
Friday was our day to celebrate World Book Day and the children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as either their favourite book character or in their pyjamas for a 'bedtime read'.
This week's VIP was awarded to Jan for their great attitude to learning in reading. Well done!