Beech Class Week 4, 27.01.25
Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 12:28pm
This week has been assessment week in school and the children in Beech class have all put lots of effort into their work.
In maths we have completed our topic of division and now we have moved on to 'Shape'. We have been shape spotters...spotting all the 2D shapes we could find in our classroom - it was lots of fun!
We have continued our topic of cities, towns and villages in geography lessons. We compared two maps of Carr Mill and St Helens town centre and we noticed the differences between them. We also thought carefully about 'what affects where people live'. We looked at some characters who lived in either a city, town or village and their reasons why they would want to live there.
Our computing lessons have focused on taking photos and editing them this week which the children have found interesting. They have used the 'crop', 'effects' and 'filter' tools to experiment with their chosen image.
In English we have looked at how to describe the tiger (from the Tiger Who Came to Tea book) and used noun phrases in our sentences. We have also put lots of effort into our handwriting once again. Lots of children are using what they have learnt in their practice sessions in their other work books too! Well done!
In PE we have continued with our ball skills with Miss Hampton and our racquet skills with Coach Olivia. The stars of the week were Teona and Piper. Well done girls!
Our VIP winner this week was Isaac for showing great skills when finding human and physical features on a map of London in geography. Well done!
Next week is Mental Health Week in school so we will be completing some activities in class about this. We will also be going on a walk around our local area for our fieldwork in geography and spotting human and physical features.