Beech Week 5 03.02.25
Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 2:42pm
This week has been Children's Mental Health week in school. In Beech class we started the week by thinking about knowing ourselves with an activity about our 'islands of personalities' - what makes us special and what our passions are.
Break the rules was lots of fun and we saw some excellent 'rule breaks'... tattoos, coloured hair and lots of cuddly toys brought into school! We also thought about how love ourselves and use many different strategies to support our mental health such as mindfulness colouring, yoga, drawing or doing our favourite activity.
In maths we have continued our shape topic. We completed an investigation using straws to see which 2D shapes we could make thinking about the properties of each one carefully. We also looked at symmetry in 2D shapes and started to investigate the properties of 3D shapes too.
In English we completed a beautiful piece of writing in our Star Write books about the lion from The Tiger who came to Tea and described him in detail. The children tried so hard with this and produced some work to be very proud of!
This week we enjoyed our new topic in our music lessons which was focused upon the classical piece of music, The Carnival of the Animals which was composed by Camille Saint-Saëns in 1835. The children listened carefully to each section of the music and identified which instruments were used and which animal the section represented. We had lots of fun drawing which one we thought it was.
We completed our geography field work this week by going for a walk around our local area. We had to spot human and physical features and the children are now secure with the difference between the two geographical terms. We also got to wear our brand new high-visibility jackets that were recently donated by our local Specsavers in St Helens. A big thank you to them!
VIP this week was awarded to everyone in Beech Class for their wonderful contributions to our mental health work in school.
Next week is Art Week in Beech Class and we will be exploring drawing tigers linking this to our book The Tiger Who Came to Tea.