Beech Week 6 - 10.02.25
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:29pm
It has been our final week of the half term and the children have maintained their hard work in class. We have had lots of fun in our lessons....!
In English we have been writing instructions and we started the week off by following some to make a jam sandwich! We had to read the order carefully so that we made it correctly. Some brilliant writing was produced at the end of the week. The first week back for VIP is writing champions so we will see who has been standing out with their amazing work.
We finished our unit of work in music and created our own group musical composition to represent an animal. The children created a musical score and worked together to follow it using their chosen instrument. We had some brilliant musical pieces!
We saw lots of creativity this week in our art lessons. They were linked to our English book 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' and we explored lines and colour when drawing our tigers. We used charcoal, crayons, pastels and paints to add colour to our art pieces.
In maths we have continued to explore the properties of 3D shape. We went on a shape hunt around the classroom and could identify how many faces, edges and vertices a shape had.
This week we also had Internet Safety Day where we started the day with an exciting whole school assembly led by Mr Pattinson. Back in class we explored how to stay safe on the internet further. We looked at how we can recognise if something is a 'scam' online and who to report it to if we see this. All our children could tell us who their trusted adults are in different environments - school, home, at clubs etc.
Coach Olivia's Star of Week in PE was Jan for showing great racquet skills...well done!
VIP this week was awarded for art and our winner in Beech Class was Aurora for experimenting with different materials to create patterns to resemble tiger fur. Well done!
Have a brilliant and also restful half term everyone. I look forward to seeing you for our next half term together!