Birch- Week 6: 14.2.25

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 7:56am

Our final week of Spring 1 has been a busy one!
We have completed an art project based upon 'The Tiger who came to tea'. This included experimenting with different mediums including paint, oil pastel and charcoal. We then decided on the best tools for our final piece and created a picture of a tiger. 
In maths we have completed our work on 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We are now shape experts!
We have also had lots of fun in PE with coach Olivia, putting all of our new skills into game scenarios. 
We were very lucky this afternoon to end the term with a WHOLE SCHOOL PARTY!!! We danced, played games and joined in with pass the parcel on the playground with all of our friends. It was so much fun!
After half term we have lots of exciting things to look forward to including some writing and History work all about CASTLES, KINGS AND QUEENS! We will also be completing a PSHE topic all about healthy living and how to look after our bodies.
Have a lovely break!



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