
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 7:44am

We started the week with a trip to the library for year 2 and a fun World Book Day themed afternoon with year 1. Year 2 completed some World Book Day activities and found out how to apply for their very own library card. Year 1 read the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' and the ate some tasty pancakes!

This week we have started our history topic on Kings, Queens and Castles. We have found out about the different castles and residencies that the King visits and talked about significant Kings and queens from the past.

In maths we have continued our learning on fractions and will move on next week to look at position and direction.

Our castles work in English is still very exciting. This week we have looked at castle 'fun', finding out what happens on 'tournament day' and at the jousting events. We will use all the knowledge that we have collected over the last two weeks to write an information page next week all about castle life.

The 'In to Win' prize was enjoyed by the blue team on Tuesday where they had a pancake race and got to eat some too!

We also had a whole school party because of our wonderful attendance last week - we had so much fun with dancing and pass the parcel! Birch attendance was so good last week that we also gained some kid's choice to enjoy this week- we enjoyed watching a film at the end of the day on Friday.

Friday was our day to celebrate World Book Day, and the children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as either their favourite book character or in their pyjamas for a 'bedtime read'.

Next week is our school trip to BLACKPOOL ZOO. We are so excited to go and learn more about the animals and their habitats. Our trip will take place on Tuesday.




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