Chestnut Week 4
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 10:59am
It has been assessment week in Chestnut Class this week and we have been very busy completing lots of special quizzes.
In English we have have continued with our text, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children in Year 1 have looked at how to describe the tiger to help write a character description. Reception children have been working hard to apply their phonics learning to write words or sentences linked to the story - they have all worked really hard.
In Maths, Year 1 have continued to learn about numbers to 20. We have compared numbers and amounts using the 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to' symbols. In Reception, the children have been learning how to combine two amounts within 5.
We have continued our topic of cities, towns and villages in geography lessons. We compared two maps of Carr Mill and St Helens town centre and we noticed the differences between them. We also thought carefully about 'what affects where people live'. We looked at some characters who lived in either a city, town or village and their reasons why they would want to live there.
Next week:
Next week is Mental Health Week in school so we will be completing lots of fun activities in class about this.
Please bring book bags to school every day. Books are changed on a Friday each week.
P.E. days are Monday and Thursday in Chestnut Class this half term. Children can come to school in their P.E. kits on these days.
Below are the uniform requirements for children at Carr Mill Primary School.
GirlsRoyal blue v-neck jumper or cardigan Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers White shirt School tie Black shoes Grey / white socks or tights Blue & white school gingham dress (summer only) |
BoysRoyal blue v-neck jumper Grey trousers or shorts White shirt School tie Black shoes Grey socks |
School can support you to access pre-loved uniform, if needed, via our own uniform bank |