Chestnut Week 5
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 11:46am
This week we have celebrated Children's Mental Health Week.
On Monday we spent time getting to know ourselves. We drew our islands of personality and discussed how we are all unique with our own interests, hobbies and strengths.
On Tuesday we talked about how to grow ourselves. We drew our path so far and thought about where we would like our path to lead us in the near and distant future.
On Wednesday we loved breaking the rules. We had some crazy hairsyles, sparkly tattoos and lots of teddies in class.
On Thursday we reminded ouselves of ways we can support and protect our own mental health.
.... And on Friday, we celebrated the huge achievement of #teamcarrmill achieving the Gold Mental Health Award.
Next week, we will be continuing our celebrations with a whole school party on the playground.
We will also be creating some art work throughout the week so keep an eye out for updates from our artists in Chestnut Class.