First Week Back Beech
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:58am
What a brilliant start to 2025 we have made in Beech Class!
We have started our new topic about mulitplication and division in maths looking at equal and unequal groups and the 2 and 10 times tables.
English lessons have been focussed upon our new text The River. The children have enjoyed exploring the interesting images in the book and thinking about what they would be able to see, hear and touch in the rainforest. They have also enjoyed retelling this 'circular' story in groups.
In science we have started our new topics of habitats and homes and despite the weather we have been looking for microhabitats around our school. We had lots of fun doing this and represented the data we found in a pictogram.
Coach Olivia continued racquet skills in her PE lesson and the Star of the Day this week was Alistair! Well done!
We can't wait for Maths Through Stories Week next week! Look out for our competition on Seesaw.