Rowan - Week 5

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 9:43am

I hope this message finds you well. We’ve had another exciting and productive week in our classroom, and I can’t wait to share some highlights with you!


This Week in Class Rowan class have been hard at work, diving into new concepts and sharpening their skills. In maths, we have started a new topic: Volume and we have loved using practical resources to find the volume of different shapes!

In reading and writing this week, we had a lively discussion about The Lady of Shallot poem. We tried to imagine why or how she was given the curse and have written a blog entry from The Lady of Shalott’s point of view. There were lots of great vocabulary and grammar techniques used!

As it is children’s mental health week this week, we have focused on GROWTH – knowing yourself, growing yourself. We have celebrated our individual uniqueness and also what we love about ourselves! We have also investigated techniques we can use if we are feeling certain feelings. We were also VERY lucky to have such a special assembly on Friday – ask your child about this!!!! It was super exciting!!!!

Don’t forget next week is our final week of the term and we have our LOVE BUG disco on Thursday – something very exciting to look forward to! We are also starting our new art topic next week which is great!

Have a lovely weekend – don’t forget to check out our class twitter page:




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