Sycamore - Week 6

Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 3:41pm

Happy end of half term to everyone! 



This week we celebrated safer internet day.  We learnt all about how to spot a scam.  Using a checklist, we looked at different scenarios and thought about whether they were a scam or not. 



This week, we have been learning different shading techniques that we have used on our final Iron Man drawings.  Also, our VIP was for art this week so take a look at our Facebook page to see who has been a wonderful artist in Sycamore class - it was a tough choice this week!   



We got the opportunity to write our own legends based on the book The Water Horse.  We have created our own creatures and described what it would be like to find them washed ashore on a beach.  



We have been learning all about division this week, using short division and finding remainders.  We did find some parts of this tricky but with lots of practice, we are finally understanding the methods that we can use.  

Have a look at the photos below from our week! 


I hope everyone has a lovely half term break! See you after the holidays for PSHE week, more work on The Water Horse book and we're starting our new maths topic of fractions. We also have some library visits the first week back for World Book Day.   



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