Aspen Week 1 Spring 2
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 8:18am
Week 1 Spring 2
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Welcome back everyone!! Aspen Class began the week with a wonderful walk to our local library. Where we were able to explore the amazing genres of books and learn about the process of borrowing a book from the library. Check out our pictures of our wonderful visit
In reading this week we have explored a range of non-chronological reports, highlighting their features and popular choices to capture and inform the audience. Next week we will begin our new text with a classic from Roald Dahl James and the giant Peach.
In writing, we applied our knowledge of the features of a non-chronological report as well as our application of adverbials, similes and key vocabulary to create our own non-chronological report. Look at our photo section to see our amazing writing!
Maths this week we have introduced fractions. Beginning our week with comparing and ordering unit fractions and developing on to partitioning the whole. Next week we will move on to improper and mixed fractions.
As part of PSHE week we have explored families and relationships. Using this to identify what qualities we look for in a good friend.
We hope you enjoy our photos!!
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Next week, we will begin our new History topic Bronze Age to Iron Age. Tin this topic we will build on our knowledge of the Stone age focusing on the Bronze age first and looking at the significant changes that happened in human society because of copper and also how iron revolutionised this.