Week 2 Aspen
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 12:47pm
Week 2 Spring 2
Another great week for Aspen class
following Aspen on twitter
User name: @MissRCMP
In reading this week we stated to read a classic from Roald Dahl James and the giant Peach. This week have focused on developing understanding of vocabulary choices and developed uor understanding of individual characters and their actions.
In writing, have begun to understand the features of a diary extract and over the next two weeks we will be exploring features such as adverbial phrases, chronological order of events and using past tense words to create our very own diary extract.
Maths this week we have introduced mixed and improper fractions; Aspen class have worked extremely hard to develop their understanding of these two types of fractions and now we are able to begin to explore how to convert them.
Aspen class of Android becoming historians this week as we began our topic from bronze to Iron Age. This week we have learned about the Ambles bury Archer and how bronze was created.
We have ended our week celebrating whole school attendance party and Wolrld book day !!
We hope you enjoy our photos!!