Willow (Year 3): Blog items
Willow Spring Two Week Two, by Miss Farrall
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 3:26pm
This week, we have started our learning on the Bronze age in history. The children were fascinated when learning about the bronze making process and were really enthusiastic when looking at artefacts found from that era.
We have been reading James and the Giant Peach as our class reader and have begun to write a diary extract in role as James.
The children have been using garageband in their music lessons and we are building up to creating a piece of music to play alongside a film clip. The children have been experimenting with different instruments on the ipads to create happy and sad music.
In PE, we have continued with our gymnastics learning - this week we needed to create balances in pairs that relied on each other's body weight to stay standing.
On Friday, we have celebrated world book day. There were some fantastic costumes and we spent a lot of time talking about our faviourite books and characters.
Well done Willow class and thank you for another amazing week!
Willow Spring One Week 6, by Miss Farrall
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 3:44pm
This week in Willow class, we have been working hard to complete our writing based on The Water Horse. The children have been trying so hard to perfect their speech punctuation and their final written pieces are definitely some of their best work this year. They have loved listening to the book during our class story time and the children are so invested in what is going to happen at the end.
In art this week, we have been practicing our shading techniques and have been creating artwork in the style of Tom Gauld, linked to our Iron Man story that we completed a few weeks ago. The final pieces are really amazing and it has been wonderful to see their resilience and how much they have been taking their time to create them.
In PE this week, we have completed our units on Yoga, Football and Basketball - all firm favourites in Willow class. Next half term in PE, we will be focussing on gymnastics and athletics.
Tuesday was safer internet day - we enjoyed a whole school assembly about how to spot the signs of a scam and then put that into practice back in the classroom with an activity. Children were quick to spot the spelling mistakes and unreliable email addresses which are common mistakes in spam and scam emails. Well done everyone!
Next half term, we have got so many fun things to look forward to including a trip to the library in our first week back.
Have a wonderful break everyone and I can't wait to see you all back in the classroom :)
Willow Spring 1 Week 4, by Miss Farrall
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 4:02pm
Willow class have worked so hard this week completing their assessments in reading, writing and maths.
They have really shown off all the learning they have completed so far this year and have done so, so well.
In reading, we have begun a new book called The Water Horse and the children have thorougly enjoyed our story time each day where they have been able to just sit back and enjoy the story being read to them. we have began to use this book in our reading and writing lessons too this week - the children will be writing their own version of the opening of the story and will get to choose what mythical creature will hatch from their egg.
We have been doing some role play around the book this week - the children all got into character and 'improvised' a short scene from the story where they go to the beach and find the egg. The children were amazing at this - some of them could certainly become actors in th future. Have a look below at the children in their roles!
Lots more TTRockstars certificates were also handed out this week! Keep up the hard work everyone.
Next week in school is children's mental health week. There are lots of wonderful activities planned including a 'break the rules day' on Wednesday.
Willow - Spring 1 Week 3, by Miss Farrall
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 3:33pm
This week, we have been continuing our work on the Iron Man in reading and writing. We have been doing a lot of drama and role play and we have really enjoyed getting into role as characters from the story.
The children have completed their introduction to their own story and have worked really hard to include speech which was properly punctuated. I have been blown away with this piece of writing.
In maths, we have been continuing our work on mulitplication and division. We are beginning to understand just how much our times tables support us in our maths and have made a promise to ourselves to practice on TTRockstars as much as we can at home.
In geography this week, we have begun to look at the four countires of the UK and their major cities. Children have been able to locate the UK on a map of thr world and can talk about our climate compared to other climate based on the distance from the equator. Next week, our geograohy topic will continue and we will be looking at key human and physical characteristics of the UK.
Next week in school is assessment week. This is an oppportunity for the children to really show off what they have learnt so far in year 3!
Willow Spring One, Week 2, by Miss Farrall
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 3:29pm
This week we have been having fun in maths and learning through a story called 365 penguins. The children have really enjoyed solving problems linked to the story and needed to use their times tables knowledge to work out how to store all of the penguins in equal groups. They also worked out how many penguins there would be for christmas dinner, how many penguins there would be on their birthday as well as how many penguins there would be at the end of each month of the year.
We learned a rhyme to help us remember how many days each month has:
30 days has September, April, June and November...
In science, we have been keeping an eye on our plants daily to see how they have grown. We have been making some great statments about what our results have shown us. We have also looked at how water is transported through a plant using celery and coloured water, and disected a flower to examine its parts.
Next week, we will begin our new Geography topic: UK discovery. We also have a young author coming into school on Wednesday to tell us all about a book he has written!
Willow Spring 1 Week 1, by Miss Farrall
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 3:57pm
What an exciting and snowy first week back!
The children have all been super excited to share stories about their time off over the christmas holidays and have thrown themselves back into their learning.
In our reading and writing lessons, the children have began to read The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They have really enjoyed the beginning of the story and are eager to find out what will happen next. We will continue reading this book over the half term and children have begun to write their own versions of the opening of the story. Some amazing decriptive work has been shared so far!
In Maths, we are focussing on methods of written division. Although this is a difficult topic (especailly for the first week back) I have been so proud of how determined the children have been to master this!
Afternoons this week have been filled with French (we are learning the numbers to 50), Science and PE.
In science, the childen have created their own investigation to discover if a seed will grow without one of its basic needs (air, water, nutrients, room to grow and sunlight). The children were very excited to plant their seeds and we will be obsvering them over the coming week to see if any of them grow into plants. Please have a look at some of the pictures below of the children planting their seeds!
Next week is maths week in school - we will be learning maths through a story called 365 penguins (imagine one penguin turned up at your house every single day for the next year! Where would you keep them all? How much food would you need to buy?). We will also be holding a TTRockstars battle to see who our times tables experts are and there will be a special homework task set on seesaw so please keep your eyes peeled for that.