Aspen (Year 3 & Year 4): Blog items
Week 2 Aspen, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 12:47pm
Week 2 Spring 2
Another great week for Aspen class
following Aspen on twitter
User name: @MissRCMP
In reading this week we stated to read a classic from Roald Dahl James and the giant Peach. This week have focused on developing understanding of vocabulary choices and developed uor understanding of individual characters and their actions.
In writing, have begun to understand the features of a diary extract and over the next two weeks we will be exploring features such as adverbial phrases, chronological order of events and using past tense words to create our very own diary extract.
Maths this week we have introduced mixed and improper fractions; Aspen class have worked extremely hard to develop their understanding of these two types of fractions and now we are able to begin to explore how to convert them.
Aspen class of Android becoming historians this week as we began our topic from bronze to Iron Age. This week we have learned about the Ambles bury Archer and how bronze was created.
We have ended our week celebrating whole school attendance party and Wolrld book day !!
We hope you enjoy our photos!!
Aspen Week 1 Spring 2, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 8:18am
Week 1 Spring 2
Check what is happening in Aspen class
by following me on twitter
User name: @MissRCMP
Welcome back everyone!! Aspen Class began the week with a wonderful walk to our local library. Where we were able to explore the amazing genres of books and learn about the process of borrowing a book from the library. Check out our pictures of our wonderful visit
In reading this week we have explored a range of non-chronological reports, highlighting their features and popular choices to capture and inform the audience. Next week we will begin our new text with a classic from Roald Dahl James and the giant Peach.
In writing, we applied our knowledge of the features of a non-chronological report as well as our application of adverbials, similes and key vocabulary to create our own non-chronological report. Look at our photo section to see our amazing writing!
Maths this week we have introduced fractions. Beginning our week with comparing and ordering unit fractions and developing on to partitioning the whole. Next week we will move on to improper and mixed fractions.
As part of PSHE week we have explored families and relationships. Using this to identify what qualities we look for in a good friend.
We hope you enjoy our photos!!
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Next week, we will begin our new History topic Bronze Age to Iron Age. Tin this topic we will build on our knowledge of the Stone age focusing on the Bronze age first and looking at the significant changes that happened in human society because of copper and also how iron revolutionised this.
Aspen class Final week of Spring 1, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 10:36am
Week 6 Final Week of Spring 1
Check what is happening in Aspen class
by following me on twitter
User name: @MissRCMP
Another great week for Aspen class, this week we have highlighted the importance of keeping safe whilst using the internet as part of the Internet Safety Day 2025.
In reading this week we have completed developing our inference, retrieval and making predication skills using the text The Water Horse by Dick King Smith. After the half holiday, we will have a week focusing on non-chronological reports and discussing the use of vocabulary, whilst continuing to develop our retrieval skills.
In writing, we have written our very own Legend based on the book The Water Horse. We have worked hard to include features such as prepositions, expanded noun phrases and dialogue. Look at our photo section to see our amazing writing!
Maths this week Miss Rodgers gave children the opportunity to be a teacher, teaching each other and some members of staff how to divide 3- and 2-digit numbers by 1 a digit. We all did a great job, and we have some future teachers in Aspen class.
As part of Art week, we have explored the work of Tom Gauld and his use of several shading techniques to create master pieces of Art. Look at our photos that include some of our final pieces, we are very proud of them. We have worked hard to include shading techniques such as hatching, cross hatching, stippling and contour hatching.
We hope you all have a happy and safe half term holiday!!
We hope you enjoy our photos!!
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Next week, we will be taking part in PSHE week and will explore different relationship and what qualities we look for in a good friend.
Aspen class Week 5, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 9:27am
Week 5
Another great week for Aspen class, this week we have highlighted the importance of taking care of our own mental health. We have completed our first journalling session, Aspen class loved this!! We also really enjoyed our school break the rules day!!
In reading this week we have continued to focus on The Water Horse by Dick King Smith, developing our inference skills to dig deeper in characters actions and thoughts. Next week, we will discuss and share our predictions for the next part of the story.
In writing we have explored the use of adverbs of time, manner, and reason in a sentence to describe how, when, where, and to what extent something occurs. We will be using these to create our own legend.
We have come to end of our Geography unit, this week we explored topographical maps and identified the highest evolutions (peaks) in Wales, Scottland and England.
We hope you enjoy our photos!!
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Next week, we will be taking part in art week and will explore different techniques when using pencils to shade and add tone to drawings. We will also evaluate how illustrator Tom Gauld uses hatching in his illustrations.
Keep a look out for our next blog 👀#teamcarrmill
Aspen Week 4, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 5:10pm
Show casing our skills
This week Aspen class have taken part in assessment week, show casing our amazing skills in reading, maths, spelling, and grammar. Well done to all of the children in Aspen class you have al worked very hard and we are all so proud of you #TEAMCARRMILL
Multiplication and Division
In maths have continued to develop our understanding of multiplication, moving this week on to multiplying 2-digit numbers! I have been blow away by the children’s application of their new skills this week !!
We have really enjoyed our continued work on developing our map reading skills. This week moving onto identing exploring human and physical features on topography maps. We are looking forward to continuing this topic next week
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Next week, we will be taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week. The children will complete lots of activities to explore the theme ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’, with the aim to encourage children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.
Keep a look out for our next blog 👀#teamcarrmill
Aspen Week 3, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 6:45pm
Iron Man
This week Aspen class have taken on role play to enhance the writing when sharing characters emotions. Exploring, the use of inverted commas has helped us to share characters thoughts and feelings. We have enjoyed adding these to complete our narrative writing. I have been blown away by these final pieces!!
Multiplication and Division
In maths we began our new maths topic, using based 10 to help us understand the impact of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. I have been blow away by the children’s application of their new skills this week !!
A great week for Geography in Aspen, we have explored Atlas’ to develop our understanding of Regions in the United Kingdom. We are looking forward to continuing this topic next week
Child Author ‘Max’#imanaustiumbrotherwhatisyourspecailpower
We have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Max, a 9 year old author. Who chose Carr Mill Primary School to make his first school visit. Max is no ordinary 9 year old, he has a super power, he is an autism brother. These means Max has siblings who have autism. Max has created two wonderful personal accounts of being an autism brother. It was a pleasure to meet and hear Max stories.
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Will be assessment week and provide us with an opportunity to show case everything we learned so far.
We will continue our Geography topic, exploring human and physical features.
Keep a look out for our next blog 👀#teamcarrmill
Aspen 17th January 2025, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:42pm
Another great week in Aspen class, this week we celebrated our mathematical skills. Maths week has provided many opportunities to develop our multiplication and division skills. Using the book 365 penguins, we worked as part of team to complete penguin challenges involving arrays and calendars. Check out photos!!
One of our highlights this week has been taking part in the annual TT Rock Star battle! Two of our superstars represented Aspen, taking part in a 5 minute head to head times table battle with other children from years 3 year 6!!
In science, we have explored how water is transported from root to flower. We used celery to demonstrate the journey water takes through each part of the plant. This week we also developed our understanding of the life cycle of fa lowering plant, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. Check out our diagrams of this process in this week’s photo gallery.
Coming up next week #attendancematters
We will have a child author visiting Aspen class. We are very excited to meet him and hear about his amazing books #imanautismbrotherwhatisyourspecialpower
Keep a look out for our next blog 👀#teamcarrmill
Aspen 9th January 2025, by Miss Rodgers
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 3:35pm
Date: 10th January 2025 @ 9am
Aspen class have not let the ice and cold weather dampen their start to 2025.
Have a look at the pictures and some of the things we have been doing - we've undertaken our first scientific investigation and developed our French speaking skills counting up to the number 50!
We've been reading The Iron man and discussing the importance of vocabulary choice to help the reader imagine the opening scene, when a colossal figure appears on the brink of a cliff.
Keep a look out for our next blog 👀#teamcarrmill
Coming up next week #attendancematters
Maths Week 2025 will include our annual TT Rockstars Battle taking place on Wednesday
and an exciting maths competition shared on our class SEESAW.